Terms of Service  for Cleverbliss

These Terms are a legal agreement between you and Cleverbliss. They govern your use of the company’s website www.cleverbliss.com, and any services (“Services”) provided by the business. By accessing and using our website and services, you hereby agree to comply with the Terms of Use and acknowledge that your organisation has the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement with us. In this case, “Customer” will refer to the organization.  



To access certain areas of the site, you must be at least 18 years old. To sign up for any services, you also need to fill out a form. (“Registration Form”). You agree to provide accurate, complete and current information by submitting the Registration Form, you agree to comply with it as of the date provided to update such information as necessary. Cleverbliss reserves the right to accept or reject any Registration Form at its own discretion. 

During the sign-up process, you will be asked to select a username which should be based on your email address. (“Username”) and a password (“Password”) to gain access to the parts of this website that are only available to certain users. Your Username and Password are your credentials to access the site. It is essential to avoid giving out profane, offensive or deceptive information when creating any account or username, as this can infringe upon the rights of other people. You also acknowledge that we may reject any Username in our sole discretion.  

You will be responsible for the protection of your user’s name and password, as well as any losses you may incur as a result of unauthorized use or disclosure. As a Cleverbliss account holder, you are entitled to your data and our Platform. However, if someone accesses your account without your permission or if you think anyone gained unauthorized access to your account, contact us at support@clever-bliss.com   

We strongly caution you against sharing your Username and/or Passwords with anyone. If you do so and any information is revealed, you will be held solely responsible for any resulting risks or losses. Likewise, if the set limit of attempts is surpassed without providing a correct answer to the retrieval question. Cleverbliss will store an incorrect answer and ask that you try again, If you are unable to access the Site with your current user’s name, it will be permanently deactivated. You will need to re-register on the Site with a new username and password.  


(I) You agree not to copy, modify, create derivatives, distribute, disclose, or sell any portion of the Site or Services in any medium (including but not limited to scraping), without limitation.   

(ii) Cleverbliss servers can be accessed by automated systems such as robots and offline readers, which send more request messages than humans via conventional web browsers typically can in the same time frame. Cleverbliss.com provides permission to the operators of public search engines to copy materials from the website, in order to maintain public records. However, they are not allowed to store or save these materials in any form. 

(iii) It is strictly prohibited to make use of the Site or Services for sending spam, unsolicited emails, chain letters, or any content with a similar purpose; 

(iv) The purpose of checks and balances is to ensure that your customer’s behaviour aligns with the SysAdmin scheme as planned;   

(v) We need to be mindful of any actions we take as they may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;   

(vi) Neither the Site nor Services have been designed nor do they possess the capability to contain, process or transmit any kind of malicious programs such as viruses, worms, defects or software agents;   

(vii) Gleaners and harvesters of this Site should be aware that personal information, such as usernames and passwords, may be included in their findings;   

(viii) It is strictly prohibited to impersonate another individual or falsely claim an affiliation with a person or organization. Fraudulent activities, disguising one’s identity, and interfering with the functioning of this website and its services are also strictly forbidden;   

(x) Unauthorized access of content on the Site or Services through any technology or means is not allowed under any circumstances. Any such attempts are strictly prohibited and can be treated as a violation of applicable laws; or   

(xi) It is important to abstain from any activities that can hinder or make access to the Site Services difficult. This includes, but is not limited to, features that prevent the copying of content or limits its use.  

Cleverbliss reserves the right to alter or modify the Site or Services periodically, with or without prior notification. They may also suspend access to certain parts of the Site and/or Services or impose limitations on the use of these at any time. Cleverbliss may terminate or suspend your access to the Site or Services without notice for any reason. Should our evaluation uncover any deviation from the stipulations outlined herein, it will be duly noted in this report. You agree to be bound by these Terms with respect to the Site or Services even after termination.  

This is a non-exhaustive list of the reasons your account may be terminated or suspended by the system: (1) you are prevented from gaining unauthorized access to the Site or Services, or assisting others in doing so, (2) disabling all security features on the Site or Services, (3) Cleverbliss believes that this blog violates the terms of their software agreement. (4) pursuant to regulations by law enforcement or other government agencies  



Cleverbliss is the owner of all content and intellectual property rights on their website and services, including but not limited to software, images, text, graphics, illustrations, logos, patents and copyrights. (collectively, the “Cleverbliss”) By accessing Cleverbliss’s intellectual property, you are granted a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use it. You must not attempt to sell, license, rent out modified versions or distribute copies of the text provided to you. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not publicly display or perform any content from Cleverbliss in any way. Additionally, using Cleverbliss Content for any purpose not expressly authorized by these Terms is prohibited. 

If you would like to provide any feedback on our website, services, or content, kindly send us an email at support@clever-bliss.com (collectively, “Ideas”) –By submitting your ideas, you acknowledge that the company is not obligated to compensate you and are free to use or modify any of the presented ideas as they wish. 

Pursuant to these Terms, Cleverbliss grants you a legally-binding, non-exclusive license to use the Site. This license may be terminated by either party with one notice. Utilization of the Site or Services is subject to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Cleverbliss reserves the right to terminate this license at any given time and remove related content without prior notice for whatever reason. All user rights granted by Cleverbliss are restricted in scope. 


Billing Policies. Certain parts of the Site or Services are associated with a fee (“Paid Services”). If you choose to avail these Paid Services, you agree to abide by the pricing & payment terms posted on the Site, which may be modified from time to time. Cleverbliss reserves the right to charge additional fees or adjust existing fees for any of its services at any time, as it sees fit. Changes to Cleverbliss’s pricing and payment terms will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle following notification. Should any payment remain outstanding, Cleverbliss reserves the right to suspend your account. In addition to the amount due, any delinquent accounts or chargebacks may be subject to fees and charges of their own. These fees could include collection fees, convenience fees, and charges from any third party involved in the collection process. You consent to the use of electronic mail or telephone for all communication pertaining to overdue accounts. These communications can be made on our behalf, including by third-party collection agents, from Cleverbliss or anyone else working for us. Should you wish to cancel any Paid Services, kindly send an email notification to Cleverbliss at support@clever-bliss.com Cleverbliss does not offer a pro-rata refund for any prepaid fees if Paid Services are canceled mid-month. All fees paid for the Services are nonrefundable. 

Payment Information; It is imperative to ensure that the data associated with any earned income is current, precise and comprehensive in order to comply with all applicable taxation laws. Moreover, you agree to clear the dues of any purchase or transaction from your credit card, debit card or other payment method used and interactions with the Services will be charged at the applicable prices when incurred. Furthermore, any taxes relating to any purchases, transactions or other monetary transactions that take place should be borne by you. 

Termination. All the data associated with inactive users will be removed either 6 months after inactivity or when the account is cancelled. Moreover, any grandfathered pricing plans associated with such accounts are also terminated. 

Hibernation. If you find that the service you’ve been receiving is not meeting your needs, you can suspend your payment plan for a certain period by putting your account into Hibernation status. Upon expiration of the rest period you set, your account will automatically be reactivation and your subscription will resume. When Hibernation is implemented, it will revoke access to any free or grandfathered pricing plans. Reactivating your plan can restore the access, Upon expiration of the hibernation period, your plan will be automatically renewed at the current rate. Cleverbliss will activate your subscription plan to update it to whatever you had before or pick the closest available payment option if this leads to a higher price (as applicable). 

Free Trial. Cleverbliss may offer you the chance to test new products or services without charge. There is no guarantee of how long the trial will last, and Cleverbliss reserves the right to end it without any prior notice for any reason. Upon cancellation of your Cleverbliss services free trial subscription, any discounts received via promo code will be void and a regular priced subscription will be charged from then on. 


By using this Site or Services, you are confirming that you have acquired any necessary permissions to access and scan any URLs or website content that has been submitted through it. By using our service, you agree to release Cleverbliss from any liability related to your use of our service.  

Notwithstanding anything set forth in this Agreement and in addition thereto, outlined in your Terms of Service, recordings made via the make call functionality must comply with any and all local laws and regulations.  


Cleverbliss develops its Site and Services for the Philippines and makes no representation that the Site, Services or Cleverbliss Content are appropriate or available for use outside the Philippines. We advise against accessing our Services from areas where their content is prohibited, and those who choose to access the Site or Services from other territories are responsible for adhering to local laws. It is important that they are aware of their rights concerning the Site or its Services. 


You may contribute information, data or materials to the Site such as depositing data or information from your desk, participating in chats or using bulletin boards. (Collectively, such information, data or materials shall be referred to as “User Content”). Some content may be viewable by any other users of this site, and we ask that you do not assume that any content is confidential. You grant us unrestricted, irrevocable rights to this content & use without prior approval from you. The User Content posted by your audience must meet the following requirements: it is non-confidential, free of infringing content, and legal to use in its current form. CleverBliss is always concerned with privacy, which is why they respect your right to be protected. All information given on the website will be saved and will only share the content that you post. If it has illegal or defamatory content, they will hold themselves accountable for it and protect your rights just as they would theirs. If you find that infringing, defamatory or offensive information is on the website, please notify us. at security@clever-bliss.com. We will investigate your claim promptly and take any appropriate action.  

CleverBliss may remove any unauthorized User Content if we believe that User Content has violated our rights, is otherwise inconsistent with or constitutes a breach of these Terms, or violates the rights of another user or the law  


CleverBliss may collect, use and share your personal information, or personal information provided by you, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The purpose behind this collaboration is to create a product that best fits the feedback and needs of our users. We will use your name, email, and the date of birth that you provide during our assessment for mutual understanding.  

Personal information will be used as between the parties for its accuracy, quality and legality; (c) ensure the Services are appropriate for you as well as any personal information or other data you input; (d) Entering into contractual terms that comply with applicable privacy laws is not required under this agreement.; and (e) ensuring any required consent of a data subject has been or is obtained, and any necessary disclosures made, for any use or disclosure by you or CleverBliss.  


It is strictly forbidden to utilize the Site or Services for any commercial purposes except for accessing (or inquiring about) Cleverbliss products or services. We strictly forbid any kind of commercial offers or advertising to be conducted on the Site or Services without obtaining our prior written consent. This includes but is not limited to solicitation, links, and other forms of communication. It is prohibited to resell or link Cleverbliss products or services of any kind to other sites, in addition to any other restrictions that may apply. Any unlawful or inappropriate violations of this provision will be investigated, and legal action such as the removal of the offensive material from the website and barring any violators from further use of it, may be taken. We retain the authority to block access or cancel any order if we have reason to believe that the user is breaching this provision.  


By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you acknowledge that Cleverbliss reserves the right to cancel any transactions, terminate your access to the Site or Services, or take any other action necessary without prior notice. Cleverbliss may be entitled to equitable relief for any violation of these Terms. monetary damages may not be sufficient Remedy for such violations, and you agree to this remedy. Under certain circumstances, Cleverbliss may have to share information about you if required by law or a court order. This could involve releasing personal details to prevent any unlawful or malicious activity. In the event of a violation of our Terms and Conditions, Cleverbliss does not provide refunds for any Paid Services purchased by you.  


You are solely responsible for the risks involved in accessing and using the Site and its Services. Everything available through the Site or its Services, including content from third-party providers, advertisers & sponsors, is provided without any explicit or implied warranties. There are no implied warranties or representations of any kind associated with this purchase. This includes, but is not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, title or non-infringement. Any information, content, products or services accessed through a hyperlinked site come without any express or implied warranties. You are responsible for accessing these materials at your own risk.  

In addition to the disclaimers already stated, Cleverbliss (as well as its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and; joint partners) does not make any guarantees or promises regarding this website or any other related internet sites. Additionally, no guarantee is made for access to or availability/use of this site. The information and content posted on The Service, or any other online platform can be referenced to ensure accuracy. Moreover, it also provides an opportunity to validate data from whatever source. This site, the services or any other internet site may not always be complete, up-to-date or without errors. However, we will strive to ensure that defects are promptly identified and corrected., (1) Rest assured that this website, the services or any other related internet site, as well as the information or content available for download are all virus-free and secure. (2) We take great precautions to ensure they are free from harmful components such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses etc.; (3) This site does not guarantee the availability of any of its services, products or other resources at all times. There are also no guarantees or warranties regarding the quality and performance of products and services listed or accessed through this site.; and (4) The accuracy, functionality, specifications or any other attributes of items accessed through this site are not guaranteed or warranted by us. Please be aware that certain jurisdictions may not permit the limitation of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not be applicable to you.  

Due to the nature of the Internet and electronic communications, accessing our website or utilizing our services may be subject to certain limitations, delays, outages and other issues. Cleverbliss holds no accountability for any delay, failed delivery, or other damages made due to difficulties of any kind.  


Cleverbliss and its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents or suppliers are not liable for any damages that may arise from or be associated with your usage of this website, the services or any of the products. This includes any direct, indirect, special or other form of consequential damage. This website or any of the hyperlinked sites may suffer from a loss in revenues, profits, prospective economic advantage, business interruption and even the loss of programs or data stored on your system. These are potential risks that need to be taken into consideration when using the services provided here. Cleverbliss, its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, agents or suppliers shall not be responsible for any damages occurring out of the misuse or inability to use any website or its content, documents or software. Also, they shall not be liable for any claims made by third parties. Even if any remedy described in this agreement fails to meet its essential purpose, your only remedy against Cleverbliss, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents and suppliers is to halt the use of this site and any related sites. You agree to discontinue using any products or services provided or available on this website and any linked sites.  


You represent and warrant that (a) Nothing submitted on the Site or through the Service, including information and User Content, will be accepted. (i) Do not breach any third party’s rights, such as copyright, trademark, confidentiality or other personal or proprietary rights by plagiarizing, infringing upon or violating them; or (ii) Make sure to refrain from creating content that contains slanderous or unlawful material. (b) you are at least eighteen (18) years old; (c) You are permitted to share User Content with Cleverbliss, provided there is no contractual, policy-related, or regulatory restriction that prohibits you from doing so.  

By indicating your agreement, you assume the responsibility of protecting Cleverbliss and its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, suppliers, partners and licensees along with their respective directors, members, shareholders, officers and employees from any liability and Cleverbliss is responsible for any liabilities, claims, damages, or expenses incurred and will cover reasonable attorneys’ fees as applicable for their usage. or prohibit any misuse or violation of our Terms and Conditions through the distribution of User Content and your use of the Site and its Services. This includes any violation or alleged violation of these Terms, as well as violating the rights of third parties.  


We reserve the right to modify or replace these Terms whenever we deem necessary. It is highly advised that you review this page periodically for any potential changes. We will always update the ‘Last Revised’ date at the top of this page if there are any considerable changes made. We will do our best to give you 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) of prior notice before any new terms come into effect and the determination of a material change is solely decided by us. Additionally, we may use the Site to broadcast updates or notifications which can alert you of any changes made to the Website, Services or any other important matter. This type of broadcast is considered as a notice sent to you at the time it was sent. All changes to the website or services will go into effect from the Last Revised date. Additionally, modifications made for new functions or due to legal requirements will be enforced immediately.  

If you would like to continue using the Site and Services, then you must agree to all the revised terms. Otherwise, we kindly ask that you cease to access or use our Site and Services any further.  


Cleverbliss operates the Site and Services from its offices in the Philippines and makes no representation that any content contained in this Site is appropriate or available for use in other locations outside of the Philippines. By accessing this Site and Services, you agree to be governed by the laws notwithstanding any principles of conflicts of law. Any claim arising out of or relating to these Terms, the Site, the Services, or to your relationship with Cleverbliss shall be litigated exclusively in the courts. You and Cleverbliss consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction and waive any claim that such courts constitute an inconvenient forum.Should any section of these Terms be deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable,In the event that one provision is unenforceable, it will be separated from the remainder and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of remaining provisions. Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Site or Services or these Terms must be filed within claim or cause of action must be brought within one year from the date on which it arose, or it will be forever barred. The titles throughout this text are only for helping you navigate through it and will not hold any legal or contractual power. You hereby agree, as a condition of using this Site, to make sure all agents, employees and independent contractors comply with these Terms. 

Cleverbliss does not take responsibility for the products, services, activities or any lack thereof from any third-party mentioned on the Site. We urge you to bring to our attention any misconduct or wrongdoings committed by users or third-party advertisers, service providers, and product vendors mentioned in the Site support@clever-bliss.com. We reserve the right to investigate any reported claim and act in the best interest of our company. For inquiries regarding this document, please direct your questions accordingly to support@clever-bliss.com